Lane Mexico
When it comes to importing or exporting, to or from Mexico, we are your best option. One of North America’s most strategically placed and hectic locations.
Mexico is the country where our group was stablished 12 years ago and we have experience in international shipments across all ports, airports and border crossings, carrying out transportation from origin to destination.
We own offices throughout the country in Mexico City, Mexico City’s Airport, Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Ensenada, Guadalajara, Leon, Merida, Monterrey, Puebla, Queretaro and San Luis Potosi.
General Data Mexico 2021
- Its capital is Mexico City (CDMX), formerly known as Federal District (DF).
- The most important cities in addition to the capital are: Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla, Toluca, Leon, Tijuana, Juarez and Merida.
- The population is 128.97 million people.
- The official language is Spanish.
- The official currency is the Mexican peso (MXN).
Seaports, Airports and Border Land Crossings.
The main seaports in Mexico are: Manzanillo, Veracruz, Lázaro Cárdenas, Altamira, Ensenada and Progreso.
The most important airports are: Mexico City (MEX), Guadalajara (GDL), Monterrey (MTY), Queretaro (QRO), Toluca (TLC), Cancun (CUN), Tijuana (TIJ) and Hermosillo (HMO).
The border crossings for the transportation of goods by land are: Laredo-Nuevo Laredo, Eagle Pass-Piedras Negras, El Paso-Ciudad Juarez, Nogales Arizona-Nogales Sonora, Calexico-Mexicali, San Diego-Tijuana.
Mexico – Imports and Exports
- Documentation
When importing or exporting, to or from Mexico, certain aspects must be considered.
It is pivotal to have the necessary documentation requires to be able to enter / exit the merchandise.
Here we share the list of documents that will be requested, with which we will gladly help you:
- Commercial merchandise invoice.
- Sectorial Exporter Register (In the case of alcoholic beverages, energizers, cigarettes, iron minerals, among others).
- Origin Certificate.
- Detailed packing list (content and type of merchandise).
- Transport documents according to route: Bill of lading (Ocean) / Airway bill (Air) / Carta Porte (Land).
- Insurance policy.
- Non-tariff regulations documents both in Mexico and in the destination country.
- Country of origin Label.
- Trademark and industrial property registration.
- Letter of instructions for Customs Agent.
- Customs documents (carried out by a Customs Agent for the dispatch of merchandise).
To avoid reprocessing, the packing list should be as detailed as possible. It is important to avoid the use of general descriptions such as “other” or “miscellaneous”, as they can lead to re-inspections by the authorities and unnecessary withholdings.
- Restrictions
- There are limiting guidelines for merchandise that can enter the country freely.
- Special authorization and import permits are required for products such as: Agriculture, processed food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and antiques.
- Within the category of prohibited objects, are used goods, since a commercial invoice is required, among them: Personal vehicles, clothing, accessories, tires, machinery; used, as well as any substance, waste or toxic residue.
- Customs duties and fees are generally based on the full value of the cargo. That is why you must present complete and detailed documentation so that the value is estimated with the greatest efficiency.
- In SCL we will make sure you have everything to facilitate customs clearance, since we have certified agents so you can relax.
Do you have cargo to transport to or from Mexico?
When it comes to importing or exporting, to or from Mexico, we are your best option. One of North America’s most strategically placed and hectic locations.
Mexico is the country where our group was stablished 12 years ago and we have experience in international shipments across all ports, airports and border crossings, carrying out transportation from origin to destination.
We have experience in international shipping at all ports, airports, and border crossings, transporting from origin to final destination.

In 2023, Mexico transported approximately 2.5 billion tons of cargo.
In 2023, Mexico’s GDP was 1.2 trillion dollars.
Market Size
Mexico has a population of approximately 120 million inhabitants.
Main business partners
Estados Unidos, China y Canadá.
Key Points of Logistics

Manzanillo, Veracruz, Lázaro Cárdenas, Altamira, Ensenada, and Progreso.
Mexico City (MEX), Guadalajara (GDL), Monterrey (MTY), Querétaro (QRO), Toluca (TLC), Cancún (CUN), Tijuana (TIJ), and Hermosillo (HMO).
Avoid reprocessing!
We can help you get your documentation in order
- Commercial invoice for the goods.
- Exporter Registry by Sector (In the case of alcoholic beverages, energy drinks, cigars, iron minerals, among others).
- Certificate of origin.
- Detailed packing list (contents and type of goods).
- Transport documents by mode: Bill of Lading (Maritime) / Air Waybill (Air) / Waybill (Land).
- Insurance policy.
- Non-tariff regulatory documents both in Mexico and in the destination country.
- Country of origin marking.
- Non-tariff regulation documents both in Mexico and in the destination country.
- Instructions for Customs Agent.
- Customs documents (prepared by Customs Broker for the clearance of goods).
We are here to make everything flow smoothly.
There are restrictive guidelines for the goods that can enter the country freely. Therefore, consider these restrictions if Mexico is a market you want to start working in.
Special authorization and import permits are required for products such as: agriculture, processed food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and antiques.
Within the category of prohibited items, used goods are included, as a commercial invoice is required, such as: vehicles, clothing, accessories, tires, machinery; used items, as well as any substance, waste, or toxic residue.
Generally, customs duties and fees are based on the total value of the cargo. Therefore, it is essential to have complete and detailed documentation so that the value can be estimated as efficiently as possible.