Cargo Insurance

Cargo Insurance

When transporting cargo, the merchandise must be insured from origin to destination (door to door)  to mitigate unforeseen costs and future surprises.

By analyzing the details of each shipment, we make sure to offer the best coverage to afront a wide range of risks, faced by the cargo while in transit.

At SCL we offer cargo insurance for almost any type of merchandise including project cargo (heavy and oversized), cars, machinery (used or new), theft-sensitive merchandise, among others.

Going far, staying close.

Our services

Lowest deductibles on the market
The deductible is the amount for which the insurer will not respond and is always applicable, in all losses and / or claims. It’s usually a percentage of the total value of the shipment. There may be different deductibles that apply depending on the risk, you can have for example, a deductible for Ordinary Transit Risks and a different, specialized one that covers: Robbery, theft or vanishment of merchandise. We negotiate the lowest deductibles on the market so that in the event of a claim your recovery is the maximum possible.
Basic Coverage

The basic coverage refers to the Ordinary Risks of Transit (ORT) that may include, in general terms, the loss and material damage caused directly to the merchandise, in any method of transportation. Ocean Freight: Fire, lightning, explosion, stranding, sinking, collision, loss of merchandise in loading, transshipment or unloading maneuvers, sweeping, general average act (eject), captain or crew barrage, sinking or breakage. Inland freight: Bridges collapse, derailment, collision, overturning of the railroad or transport vehicle. Air freight: Fall or collision.

Additional Coverage
We also have additional coverage, such as: Total or partial theft, wetting and oxidation, contamination, stains, breakage, cracking, scratching, denting, bending, chipping and spillage, up to All-Risk.
All-Risk Coverage
The All-Risk coverage refers to the fact that the goods described in the policy are covered against any loss or direct physical damage suffered due to an event, provided that, it is sudden and unforeseen and occurs during the normal course of the trip between the origin and destination established in the particular conditions of the policy.
Door-Door  Coverage
It is important, when contracting insurance for the transport of goods, door-to-door coverage is sought. It guarantees that the merchandise will remain covered through the entire time of the shipment, from origin of collection to destination. We emphasize this, since there are port-to-port or airport-to-airport coverages and it’s not the same, as there are many interactions with the merchandise left uncovered. That is why in national or international shipments we recommend getting the cargo insurance that covers door to door, to protect the merchandise throughout the supply chain.
Annual and Per-Shipment policies
Annual policies automatically cover all shipments carried out within the period of the year in which the policy is valid. Per-Shipment policies are those that exclusively cover the shipment and the specific conditions for the merchandise that have been contracted within a shipment.
By your side at the time of your claim
When an unfortunate event, subject to a claim under your contracted policy takes place, we will be by your side to support, act and comply with the report and claim. It is pivotal to start the recovery process for the value of the insured goods as soon as possible. The claim notice will be filled out and delivered to the insurer immediately and in writing to start the claim course.
Top Insurers worldwide

To provide a quality service, at SCL we have partnered and work with the best insurers worldwide, so that your merchandise travels safely from door to door every time you make a shipment.


Edificio Obarrio 60, Oficina 8F, Calle 60 Este



República de Panamá
C.P. 0832-0588

Lunes a Viernes 8:30 – 17:30

San José

Río Segundo de Alajuela

A 200 mts. al Norte del Hotel Holliday Inn

Oficentro Santa María Oficina 4 A. Costa Rica

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Calle 12 No. 43D – 67 Int. 201

Barrio Manila

Medellín Antioquia, Colombia.

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Jr. Domínguez No.105, Oficina 501

San Borja

Lima, Perú

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00

San Luis Potosí

Av. Nereo Rodríguez Barragán

1200 Piso 2 Oficina A

Colonia Barrio de Santiago, 78200 San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Calle 22, N°40, Local 23 y 24

Col. San Antonio Cinta,

Mérida Yucatán, Mexico, C.P. 97139

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Av. del Altillo 220-9

Bodega 23

Villa de San Miguel,

Guadalupe, Nuevo León, C.P. 67110

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Edificio Imaginalia

Cerro Blanco 500 Locales 8, 9 y 10

Centro Sur,

Santiago de Querétaro,

Querétaro C.P. 76090

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Torre Natyvo

Blvd. de Los Reyes N°6431, Piso 9, Of. 907

San Bernardino, Tlaxcalancingo

San Andrés Cholula,

Puebla, Mexico, C.P. 72820

Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 – 18:00


Av. Manuel J. Clouthier # 777 – D

Col. Jardines de Guadalupe,

Zapopan Jalisco, México, C.P. 45030

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Av. Panorama 1109,

Valle del Campestre,

37150 León de los Aldama, Gto.

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Calle Tokio No. 1802

Col. Mirador

Chihuahua, México. C.P. 31205

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Avenida Alvarado, No. 305-7

Zona Centro, Ensenada

Baja California, México. C.P. 22800

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00


Edificio Grupo Financiero Inbursa

Av. Las Américas N°110, Oficina 101

Col. La Fuente

Aguascalientes, México. C.P. 20239

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00

Aeropuerto Internacional
de la Ciudad de México

Av. Capitán Carlos León S/N

Peñón de los Baños, Venustiano Carranza

CDMX, México. C.P. 15620

Dentro del almacén México Cargo.

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00

Ciudad de México

Leibnitz 117, Oficina 401

Col. Anzures, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo

CDMX, México. C.P. 11590

Lunes a Viernes 9:00 – 18:00

¿Tienes carga que transportar?